352-527-0052           2540 W. Norvell Bryant Hwy., Lecanto, FL  34460                                                                                                                             

Shepherd of the Hills

Episcopal Church

 Transforming Community Through The Love of Christ

Mission Statement

Transforming Community Through the Love of Jesus Christ

Everything we do is focused on this mission. All ministries seek to serve the community, whether it

is our parish community, our local community, or the wider community of God.  Showing the love of

Jesus Christ through our words and actions is a driving force at Shepherd of the Hills.

A Welcome From The Reverend Canon George Conger

"What a joy it is to introduce you to Shepherd of the Hills Episcopal Church (SOTH)!  You'll discover

that our passion is to provide a place where people just like you can have a life-changing experience with

Jesus Christ.  We do this through study, worship, spirituality, community outreach, and fellowship.  Our

goal is to make SOTH a place where you can find the authentic love of God. 

We hope that you find what you're seeking in your life here at Shepherd of the Hills."


Donations and pledges in the Realm portal can be made   by clicking the heart icon.  We appreciate your support of our mission! 

What's Happening at SOTH

Click the button for upcoming events and

happenings at Shepherd of the Hills as well as relevant community information.


Shepherd of the Hills is a loving community which offers many opportunities to serve within and outside our walls.  Please contact us to learn more.  Be sure to tell us of your talents and interests.

Member Connect

Log into your Realm account by clicking on the people icon.  New to Realm?  Please contact the office to create your account before attempting to login.

Connect With Our Clergy

To schedule an appointment with the Reverend Canon George Conger, please fill out the form provided here.  Appointments with the Deacon Gail Towell are made as she is available.

Available appointments are on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in 45-minute increments. 

When you complete the form, please let us know a little about your needs. For example, are you planning a wedding? Do you need counseling or spiritual guidance? Do you need a hospital visit or help planning a funeral? Please let us know the nature of your inquiry when requesting an appointment.

Contact Us

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