352-527-0052 2540 W. Norvell Bryant Hwy., Lecanto, FL 34460
Worship With Us This Week
Holiday scheduling is noted below
Saturday 5:00 pm - Worship Rite II
Sunday 8:00 am - Worship Rite I
Sunday 10:30 am - Worship Rite II (Music)
Adult Education Class is open to all between services from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m.
Coffee hour follows the 10:30 am service.
Childcare and Sunday School for all children are available during the 10:30 a.m. service only. All Baptized Christians are invited to receive at our altar. Gluten-free wafers are available by request.
Last Sunday of the Month at 4:00 pm - Paws & Prayers - Worship Rite II (in the Memorial Garden)
Offering prayers for people and pets. Your friendly furry family members are welcome to join in.
Wednesday, 10:00 am - Healing Service (in the Chapel)
Compline -10:00 pm each evening (via Facebook & YouTube)
Please visit our Connect Page/Upcoming Events for details on holiday services.
Office Hours
9:00 to Noon - Monday to Thursday
Other hours by appointment
Reverend Conger has meeting availability on Wednesday afternoons.
Please call the office or email the office administrator for a date and time.
Our services are traditional Anglican Episcopal, Rite I and Rite II, and our worship space is relaxed and modern. The 8:00 am Sunday service is contemplative with no music, and the 10:30 am offers hymns and may feature our choir. Worship includes the Book of Common Prayer as a guideline for the service. You may even encounter a couple of friendly, well-behaved pets on occasion!
Check here for a sermon snippet from The Reverend George Conger.
A bulletin is provided to assist you.
Additionally, if you are completely unfamiliar with our environment, please feel free to ask an usher or other person serving to guide you.
Join us for coffee and adult education between services, and coffee hour after the latter service.
We welcome you!
Romans 12:13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
Whether you are a blue jeans wearer or in your Sunday best you will feel at ease in our Sanctuary and Chapel spaces.
Childcare and Sunday school are available during the 10:30 am Sunday Service. We welcome children in the sanctuary during the service, as well. Please contact Susan Conger for information on the current programming for children.
Parking is available in several areas around the church campus with easy access for those having mobility issues.
While we welcome all offerings for the ongoing work of our church, there is no obligation to give monetarily when you visit. First and foremost we welcome your presence during our worship services.
2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
We welcome visitors to our church during regular business hours. However, we would appreciate a notification to the office staff ahead of your visit either by email or phone call. Office hours are from 9:00 am to noon, Monday through Thursday.
Find Us On The Hill!
2540 West Norvell Bryant Highway, Lecanto, FL 34461